Scorecard Submission
Out of Bounds.
A ball is out of bounds if it comes to rest beyond the following:
- Any boundary fence, hedge or wall.
- Hole 1. The white marker posts to the left of the public footpath.
- Hole 2. The white posts defining the practice ground.
- Hole 15. The white marker posts marking the edge of the road.
- Hole 16. The white marker posts to the right running parallel with the fourth hole.
- Hole 17. The white marker posts marking the edge of the road between the defined posts.
- Hole 18. The white posts around the Greenkeepers shed to the marked boundary wall.
When out of bounds is also defined by a white line on the ground, the line itself is also out of bounds.
Rule 17.1d applies when in a red penalty area defined by red stakes or lines.
- Protection of young trees. All staked trees. If a staked tree interferes with a player’s stance or area of intended swing relief must be taken. Rule 16.1f.
- The white posts indicating out of bounds on the 16th hole are immovable obstructions when playing any other hole. Rule 16.1a.
- All fixed sprinkler heads are immoveable obstructions. Rule 16.1a. In addition, if the sprinkler head is within two club lengths of the putting green of the hole being played, is in the players line of play and the players ball lies on a closely mown area of the course cut to fairway height or less, relief may be given. Rule 16.1a.
- When playing hole numbers 2, 9 and 10 the edge of the roads may be classed as obstructions and relief taken. Rule 16.1a. (8F F-1)
- Abnormal Course Conditions – Ground Under Repair. Relief must be taken from all areas marked ground under repair. Rule 16.1a.
- Abnormal Course Conditions. Relief may be taken if player’s ball lies on, or his stance is affected by a tractor track. Rule 16.1a
Relief Procedure 16.1b.
The nearest point of complete relief (the nearest point where ball and players stance are not affected by the obstruction) is established. This is the reference point. The relief area is then defined as a club length from the reference point in any direction, no nearer to the hole than the reference point. i.e. a semicircle. The ball must be dropped and come to rest in the relief area.
In addition to the above rules, the Management Committee request you observe the following rules.
- With the exception of staff, no cars to be taken to the practice area.
- Please follow the dress code at all times.
- Please avoid walking on the course when the course closed sign is displayed.
Updated, Apr-23